The Candida Doctors: How It All Began


In 1953 Dr. Orian Truss discovered the devastating effects of antibiotics in an Alabama hospital.

Dr. Truss began exploring ways of treating what he called "antibiotic syndrome" (what we now know as fungal Candida yeast overgrowth).


In the 1980s, the idea of Candida overgrowth went public with the publishing of Dr. Truss's book, The Missing Diagnosis. Then Dr. William Crook wrote The Yeast Connection..

Their books detailed how the natural, and even beneficial, Candida yeast in our gut begins to change into a type of fungal Candida, which is very different—and the opposite of beneficial! Dr. Crook warned in his book how certain modern conditions promote this transformation from good yeast to bad. He then showed a way to fight this condition and limit its symptoms by "starving" the yeast with a special and severe method of eating called the Candida Diet. For people affected by Candida, going on the Candida Diet was like being given a new life: yeast infections went away, energy returned, thought processes became clear again.

It was like a miracle. Life became normal again, until . . . those faithful dieters had a cookie! Or a piece of bread. A glass of wine. Well, just about anything.

more on candida

As amazing as the Candida Diet was, it had a huge vulnerability. If you ate anything at all that fed the yeast in your body, you found all your symptoms returning. And you were starting all over again at square one.

There are many ways to fail in the fight with Candida overgrowth. The impossible Candida diet is one of them. more

Despite the new revelations about how to conquer Candida, there are still people today who will sell you e-books about, or counsel you to stay on, this all-but-impossible diet to eliminate your Candida.

The Good News!

ThreeLac and Candizolv, the One-Two punch for Candida

With the advent of world-class Candida products since 2002 there is no need to even consider this diet. Our 20 years of candida research have brought to the surface two remarkable Candida products that destroy both types of Candida at the same time! See our "One-Two Punch" - Candida Complete™.