Watch This Powerful Customer Video. See the Strength of Our Probiotics.

We have been selling our Candida overgrowth-fighting products (and using them ourselves) since 2002. During that time we have received some wonderful notes and videos from people whose lives have been changed by ThreeLac™, Candizolv™ and their companion products.

In this short video, Karel M. explains how her bloating and headaches left and her energy returned, thanks to ThreeLac™:

Linda appreciated our free guide, and also hearing the man’s (Jim’s) side of the story:

The Candida Detox Recovery Guide is excellent. You anticipated many of my questions and gave me faith to continue this plan. Only fellow “victims” could possibly understand how miserable systemic candida can be. It’s also reassuring to hear about this from the male point of view. Most literature/studies and reports are often slanted towards the female.
— Linda S.

Kelly admits she was skeptical until she tried ThreeLac™ and it really changed her life!

I am an educated, health conscious, and sometimes skeptical woman who never purchases unfamiliar products over the Internet. Only after months and months of ill health and subsequent research into ThreeLac did I decide to order.

Shortly after starting ThreeLac, my health changed dramatically. In brief, the chronic rash I had been getting on my face (s reaction to food coloring) disappeared; I dropped 10 pounds (still off) without changing my lifestyle; my PMS virtually disappeared (previously I had been quite ill at times), and my overall health improved. None of this is an exaggeration.

Thus, two and a half years later, I still take ThreeLac [for maintenance]. I remain a happy customer, happy to praise the benefits of ThreeLac and your website. Thank you for your help. Yours remains the most outstanding website on Candida that I have found.

Kelly D.

C.B. is enjoying feeling "normal" again:

I just feel all the way back to my normal self again and I love it. This feeling is all I kept praying for. Also since I came off that horrible candida diet, I’ve been able to pick my weight back up. I had lost so much weight on that diet and I was already small framed when I started, so getting back to my old body size is great.

I’m still watching my intake though. I’m not eating a bunch of sweets, but I had some ice cream the other night and had no reaction, so now maybe gradually, I will test a few sweets from time to time for my own guilty pleasure. I of course know not to stop taking the ThreeLac, but I can definitely say that I’m at the point where I can clearly see that this works for me. I’m just so glad I found your site. You can post this if you’d like.

— C.B. 

Linda eliminated ALL of her Candida overgrowth symptoms:

Dear Folks,

I’ve worked with hundreds of folks, myself included.

I’ve personally spent probably $3,000 trying to get rid of the Candida—kept it in check, but did NOT get rid of it.

The ThreeLac took a mere 3 weeks to make a huge dent in things, and now, after about 6 weeks, there’s virtually none. When I think how much money I wasted I’d like to scream.

Linda Y., Herbalist 

And Donna has realized that maintenance is key:

Hi ya’ll,

I have been taking your products for almost 2 years now. All my life, I have had gas and a distended abdomen. Plus a severe craving for sweets. Like an addict. It was terrible. I couldn’t have one bite of a sweet without gorging on the whole thing. But thank God I am free from all of that. I now take my FiveLac faithfully. If I forget, my body will begin to remind me in ways that I don’t want to go back to.

It used to be that I couldn’t eat without feeling bloated and miserable. Now I eat and eat to satisfy. I have lost 30 lbs since beginning FiveLac. Of course, it was with conscious effort, but not craving sweets has made it so much easier. I ate some grapes the other night and told my husband they were sweet enough to be candy. Can you imagine?  I am 44 yrs old and feel better than I have in years! Thanks for helping me achieve that.

Donna and Steve S.

For more testimonials about our products and our business, see our Testimonials page.

Yours for Health & Healing,

Your Friends at Candida Support


Ditch the Itch: Is Candida Overgrowth the Cause of Your Skin Irritation?


Wonder Why Candida Targeted You? Seek Support and Hope Here.