How to Maintain Your Candida Treatment, Survive BBQ Season and Still Have Fun

Hello, Glorious summer!

Now is time for friends on the deck, drinks on the patio, picnics in the park—all those fun social activities that can be strewn with landmines for people who have food sensitivities and dietary constrictions.

And if you are on the Candida Diet?  Well, bye-bye social life... or maybe not!

The good news is that our Candida Complete™ program can bring your Candida symptoms under control and still let you have some fun this summer.

If you have moved onto the maintenance program, you don’t have to deny yourself completely—you just have to be a little savvy.

Here are some suggestions for making it through all those fun summer gatherings while still keeping your Candida under control:

  • Eat some healthy food before going to the party. That way you can select what you eat without starving or eating something you shouldn’t.

  • If you feel a little nervous or awkward at parties, which causes you to overeat (or overdrink), try taking a dose of probiotics before the party or even a serving of yogurt or sauerkraut. Several recent studies have shown that calming our “second brain” (the gut) with good microorganisms soothes social anxiety.

  • Be aware of hidden sugar. Eat those foods sparingly or not at all. Ketchup has more grams of sugar per tablespoon than a small chocolate chip cookie. Barbecue sauce is worse, baked beans are swimming in sugar, even salad dressings are often full of sugar.

  • Refined carbohydrates (think white bread, white rice, potato chips) turn to sugar in your bloodstream. Eat the burger or brat; skip the bun. Pass over the pasta salad and choose coleslaw instead. Have four potato chips and a handful of fresh veggies instead of the other way around.

  • Go for the grilled vegetables or offer to bring fresh veggies for grilling. (There's more info on this in our blog post: How vegetables can help in your Candida recovery.)

  • Drink alcohol lightly, if at all. Alcohol IS sugar, and should be more an occasional treat than a regular event. Avoid cocktails with simple syrup or sugary mixers – a custom “Margarita” can be a shot of tequila over ice with a squeeze of lime. Be aware that too much alcohol can impair more than driving – it can cloud your judgment about food choices.

  • Choose fresh fruit over baked fruit desserts. Strawberry shortcake with whipped cream and no-bake cookies may seem like good choices because of their fruit content, but only fresh fruit provides vitamins, minerals, fiber and water.

  • If you can’t resist that key lime pie, ask for a sliver and savor it. It will taste just as delightful as the whole thing!

  • Distract yourself. Surely not everyone is hovering over the beer cooler or the dessert table. Bring your Frisbee or organize a game of beach volleyball. Take part in activities and enjoy the company instead of focusing on food.

  • If you know the host or hostess well, try reach out out to them before the party. While being totally clear that you don’t want them to do anything different, explain your limitations and ask if there is anything you could bring that is food-sensitive friendly.

  • If you have other food restrictions, never take chances! Bring your EpiPen, or at least quick-dissolving antihistamine tablets, in case you have a reaction. Let others know of your allergies or restrictions, and where your EpiPen is located.

  • Take extra ThreeLac™ to help defend yourself against those yeast-feeding treats!


Remember, food is only one part of summer fun – enjoy the long, sunny days, the activities, the friends and family – and relish your summer!

For other tips and guidance on how to manage your Candida, please check out our free, downloadable Candida Detox Recovery Guide.



Fear vs Positivity on your Candida Treatment Journey


How Eating Vegetables Can Help with Candida Recovery