Candida Treatment Support: How to Choose a Functional Medicine Practitioner

Getting Started with Treatment of Candida

ThreeLac™ and Candizolv™ have provided relief from Candida fungal yeast symptoms for countless customers. However, Candida is a complex condition which often exists in parallel with other physical ailments, such as autoimmune diseases (Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Lyme Disease), endocrine disorders (diabetes, thyroid or adrenal issues) or other health impairments.

Because of that, we often recommend two things to our customers:

  1. Please work with your doctor to rule out any medically-caused reasons for your symptoms, and

  2. If at all possible, find a natural healthcare practitioner or functional medicine doctor to help guide you through your recovery phase.

What is "functional medicine"?


According to the Institute for Functional Medicine, “Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership . . . [it] addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms.”

In other words, the functional medicine approach (sometimes called holistic or integrative) looks at systems, rather than just at symptoms.

“Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms.”

An initial meeting will include questions about symptoms, but also about environment, diet, exercise, stress, job or relationship pressures, family history, and so forth. The practitioner will want to get the whole picture of who you are, so he or she can treat the whole patient. He or she may then recommend medications, nutritional supplements, and/or lifestyle and dietary changes to help support recovery.

Who practices this kind of medicine?

Natural, Holistic, Integrative or Functional Medicine may be practiced by Medical Doctors (M.D.s), Doctors of Osteopathy (D.O.s), Naturopaths (N.D.s), Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Physician Assistants, Nutritionists and Nursing professionals.

Why is a holistic approach important in Candida Treatment?

  • A body that is functioning below par is a body ripe for Candida. By identifying underlying dysfunctions and addressing them, your holistic practitioner can improve your overall health.

  • If you can determine the underlying cause of your Candida, you have a better shot at getting it under control. For instance, if environmental toxicity is an issue, your care provider can teach you how to avoid or chelate those toxins. If your caregiver determines that your Candida is aggravated by taking antibiotics or steroids (AND, sometimes we need to take these medicines) you can proactively head off Candida overgrowth with ThreeLac™, Candizolv™ and lifestyle modifications.

  • A functional medicine practitioner can provide you with lifestyle modifications like diet and exercise suggestions, and possibly additional nutritional supplements, that will help keep your Candida under control.

  • He or she can also offer you support during the die-off process by giving you tools to support your organs of detoxification (liver, kidneys, skin). Another principle of Holistic or Functional Medicine is acknowledging that each person’s physiology, genetic and environmental factors, triggering events and other contributors are different.

At Candida Support, we are not healthcare providers and so can only offer broad guidelines to individuals in how to take our products.

Working with the guidance of a Holistic or Functional Medicine provider can accelerate your healing.

How Can I Find a Holistic or Functional Practitioner?

We feel the best option is a personal recommendation from someone who has had a positive result with a practitioner. But if you don’t have a personal recommendation, you can try

  1. The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (

  2. Functional Medicine Doctors (

Don’t rule out a practitioner if they are not on these lists. These are professional organizations that list their members, but there are many excellent care providers who might not show up within these organizations.

What to do when you find someone you are interested in

Whether you get a recommendation or find someone online, plan on making some phone calls and interviewing the office personnel about the practitioners and how things are done there. If you like what you hear, make an initial appointment. After the intake interview, ask the practitioner how she or he will approach your healing.

As always, we wish you health and healing!


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